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“Easy Leave” is So Totally's sneak peek to their forthcoming record A Cheap Close-Up of Heaven.

"When I’m down, my friends just say “yeah i bet" and return to their own problems."

This Philly based band eases all those grungy shoegaze cravings, while also bringing in some poignant lyrics that resonate in the mind long after the song ends.

A stand out moment in this track occurs toward the end of the first minute of the song. A heavy surge of distorted instrumentation floods listeners' ears before receding into a softer etherial melody. Distant celestial vocals then carry the song to a close with: "Hosanna, I am the highest I have ever been (covered in gold, too heavy to hold).”

If this song is any indicator to what this record holds, then I cannot wait to hear the rest.

So Totally’s A Cheap Close-Up of Heaven is set to be released this Thursday, December 1st.

Check out more from So Totally here.

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